Thursday 29 January 2009

Ending the "war on drugs"

Far more stupid, costly and counter-productive even than Bush's so-called "war on Terror" - the "war on drugs".

Two recent takes on how to end it, one more fun, one more serious:

- Israeli ad on legalizing marijuana

- a thorough paper on a "neo-paternalist" (read: liberal-paternalist, as opposed to conservative-paternalist) approach to drug laws offenders - the idea: "coerced abstinence" while leaving offenders (as long as they stay off drugs) out of prison. To me, sounds like a much less defensible and effective approach than simply legalizing the stuff. But then again, since there seems to be no prospect of any of it (even grass) becoming legal any time soon, this might be a step forward?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just saw the Israeli video of procannnabis. I enjoy it.
How can you seriously defend the idea that drugs (cannabis indeed) can damage your health, even if if it's right somehow.
Don't your body belongs to you?
So, can you not do what you want with it?...
I'm an old grass smoker; I'm not out of my society (France), I have regular and normal relationship with neighbouroods and customers.
Of course, many of them don't know about my habit. Only because of some kind of "omerta".
In France, a law forbid me even to talk "publicly" on that subject.
It's a good way to remain me as a child, unable to know what is good for him.
Two points: religious and geostrategical.
If God gave me life on this Earth, it means usually, that only God can say how I can use my body. Every uses of my own are forbidden.
So, if I don't do so, I'm out of the community of the "right thinker". Sorry, I don't believe there's a God!
Total war on drugs is a pure nonsense. As long as there will be people like me, and as long as there will be a farmer in a very poor country needing to feed his family, ther will be grass or other things.
Fight poverty!
Allow to people the right of doing what they want with their own bodies, and maybe, there will be a world where this kind of speech will be part of the past.

Kephas said.